Argonne National Laboratory
Production manager, client contact
Unreal Engine 4
Argonne National Laboratory needed to relocate an industrial tank which was to pass through a tunnel to reach its desired location. Clearance through the tunnel was slim, and VIATechnik was recruited to simulate the relocation to confirm whether the relocation would be achievable. Previous calculations had suggested there were only a few inches of clearance, so dimensional accuracy was critical down to fractions of an inch.
VIATechnik began by taking laser scans of the tunnel and ramp to ensure the overall tunnel geometry was captured accurately. These point clouds were then imported into 3D modeling software as reference and the team constructed a new digital twin of the tunnel, ramp, and building. In addition to the site elements, the team also constructed custom 3D models of the tank and truck trailer based on shop drawings. The truck model’s physics were calibrated in Unreal Engine to ensure an accurate simulation of its movement, with special attention given to the wheels and suspension system so that any anomalies in the road surface would affect the truck’s path of travel.
After running the simulation, VIATechnik was able to confirm that the tank did in fact have enough room to pass through with only a few inches of clearance. Eventually, this simulation was also turned into an interactive experience through the web where project team members could drive the truck through the tunnel themselves and observe the results.